Using actual data to measure marketing efforts is a must! To be honest, this is the very reason why digital media has become the preferred method of distribution. Now, don’t misunderstand us, word of mouth is still THE BEST form of marketing out there, however, creating it takes a lot of planning and that is where the data comes in to play.
Social media influencers are usually selected for their following and their content genre. It’s also a good idea to start following the influencers you may be considering for your next campaign a couple of months in advance so you can measure what type of engagement they get on their stories and posts. Low engagement may mean their audience is not as authentic as it could be. High engagement is a good sign that their audience (families, foodies, fashionistas, gamers, etc.), is exactly who they claim it to be.
When launching an influencer campaign make sure you measure what you got out of it. How many posts, how many engagements, and how many people reached. By dividing your total cost by the number of engagements or people reached, you will be able to clearly determine your return on investment. Don’t be afraid of the numbers, the best part of marketing is that everything we do as marketers is fluid. If it doesn’t produce the results you are looking for, try something new next time – don’t be afraid to go beyond the rules!