City of Delray Beach
Case Study
Utilities Department
Establish a communications system to inform customers about water-related issues and updates from the utilities department.
Identify how real-time alerts will be shared during emergencies
Create accessible messaging
Highlight what is being done to strengthen the City’s drinking water system
Used web FAQs and targeted social media campaigns to educate customers on precautionary boil water notices, irrigation schedules, the new water treatment plant project, and other initiatives
Created a boil water notice public communications strategy, based on the number of properties affected, to alert the public when notices are issued
Established a local TV media contact database to publicize the alerts on local news channels
Developed an email marketing system to alert customers who opt-in
Secured a monthly state of the City article on behalf of the mayor in the most widely read local magazine to keep customers informed of utility projects

The Results
As a result of our work, the utilities department has a comprehensive communications plan and public outreach strategy established. These efforts are tracked and measured on a monthly basis.